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TCCP offers a wide range of floor demolition services including carpet removal, tile removal, VCT, and wood flooring removal. As a standard, we utilize HEPA vacuums to reduce dust and air scrubbers to keep the work area clean. Our techniques are OHSA compliant and our goal is to keep your project safe and dust free.
As professionals in the industry, no one knows concrete grinding and floor prep better than TCCP. With a fleet of 5 industrial grade grinders and vacuums, we have the capability to take on any size project. Our grinders have a production rates of at least 800 sq ft per hour, with the ability to finish thousand of sq ft of grinding per day. We utilize OSHA complaint vacuums to keep our work areas clean, and certified installers to stay on schedule. If your project demands high production and excellent results call us to get the job done right. Now, we have partnered with a another company, which has given us the ability to serve more customers, at a much more efficient ability. Visit to visit our new partner for concrete grinding, epoxy coatings, and polished concrete work.

Cracks are a common issue with concrete. Even when control joints are made, and expansion joints are cut, a crack will usually find its way. Fortunately, we have a solution. We utilize an electric pump machine which injects an "epoxy type" material called polyurea. This material sinks into the concrete, filling in the crack which dries in less then 1 hour. Once dried, we shave the polyurea which give the crack a "filled and repaired look". Will the crack disappear? No, however it's no longer a hazard which is most important.
Each and every concrete slab floor has some type of blemish, hole, or spall that needs attention. It's important to fill these areas in because they can be not only a harzard, but, they can harbor dirt and other particle. For these situations, TCCP has you covered. Our expert installers are trained to properly fill those imperfections and sand them smooth. Will the patches disappear? Absolutely not. However, we take them time match the existing concrete in order to blend them in within reason.

As a standard in the "world of concrete" most concrete floors have expansion joints or "saw cuts" which have been placed into the floor strategically in order to prevent cracking. While they dont always work, they do leave a cut in the floor. We have a solution for you. We utilize a electric pump which squeezes an "epoxy type" material called polyurea (similar to our crack repair) which fills in the expansion joint. The material dries in less than 1 hour. Then we shave the material which provides you with a flat and smooth concrete surface. Choose from over 20 different custom colors which can make those cuts look unique!
Pin holes are a typical problem with concrete. they are a result of soft or "air entrained" concrete. They only become visable once the concrete floor has been ground. This is not always the case, however, if pin holes become visable in the floor, we always recommend filling them. why? Not only are the holes susceptible to penetration of contaminates, but they also reduce the gloss by creating small voids in the finish. This will lead to an unsightly look and will more then likely produce a less then perfect finish.

As industry leaders and professionals in our trade, we are often recognized and sought after to participate in projects that require a specific skill set. Here are some of our clients who have benefited from our knowledge and expertise in polished concrete, and epoxy coatings.


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