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Polished Concrete Floors and Our Design Process

Through years of experience, research & development, TCCP has developed a method to provide our customers with a " care free" design process.  This design process eliminate all the guess work and headaches that come with contracting, and provides a means to a "seamless" and enjoyable encounter.


STEP 1- POLISHED CONCRETE OPTIONS.... pick between a mechanical polish or topical/cream polish.

STEP 2 AGGREGATE...The class grade indicates the density, size, and distribution of the aggregates (elements within the concrete that give it a dimensional, textured look) at the surface. Each class is customized within an indicated range to meet your design style. The chart on the right indicates the vary degree of manipulation for each class.

STEP 3 GLOSS OPTIONS... When selecting to polish your concrete, determining the level of gloss for your project is critical to the overall design aesthetic. At tccp, we have 4 levels of gloss to consider, each with their own unique benefits.

STEP 4 CONCRETE STAIN OPTIONS... TCCP offers 24 different color options that can be applied to give your polished concrete floor a vibrant and unique look.  We also offer several different "signature" color combinations that we have created that our customers love. STEP 5 POLISHED CONCRETE SEALER OPTION... Once the concrete staining and polishing process is complete, the concrete must be sealed.  The type of sealer is determined by the clients needs. 

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